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Transport Canada Drone Rules 101: How to Get Certified 2019

You don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve flown your first drone. To get in on the fun, you need to get certified to prove you know how to follow Transport Canada drone rules. Fortunately, it’s not tough to get the certification you need, and once you have it, you can take to the skies without worry.

Getting Certified in 2019

Where Do You Want to Fly?

Your certification depends on where you want to take your aerial fun, and Transport Canada drone rules two categories that require certification: basic and advanced. The difference isn’t whether you plan to make money from your drone or just want to see how fast it will go. The difference is where you plan to fly it.

Sticking With Basic

You can get just the basic certification so long as you never take your drone in controlled airspace, don’t fly it directly over any people, and keep it 30 metres away from bystanders in the horizontal.

Advanced Operations

If you want to do any of the three things listed above that are prohibited to basic operators, you are using your drone in an advanced manner. At that point, you’ll need to do a bit more to get certified.

Getting a Basic Certification

To get a basic certification, you’ll first register with Transport Canada and clearly mark your drone with its registration number. Then you must pass the basic exam. This is a multiple-choice exam of 35 questions. It tests you on how well you know Transport Canada’s impressively titled Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems 250 g up to and including 25 kg, Operating within Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS) (TP 15263).

You must get 65% to pass this exam, and if you fail, you will have to wait 24 hours before you can try it again. The good news is that you get your results instantly and can immediately print out your Pilot Certificate – Basic Operations. The not-as-good news is that you’ll need to keep your knowledge up-to-date and carry proof that you’re doing so. Stay up to date by attending safety seminars or completing a drone training program.

Getting an Advanced Certification

To get certified as an advanced operations pilot, you’ll register and mark your drone. Then you’ll need to pass the advanced exam. This exam is based on the same document as the basic exam, but in this case, there are 50 questions and you need a minimum of 80% to pass. As with the basic exam, you’ll get your results instantly, but you have to do a couple more things before you can actually get your pilot certificate.

First, you’ll have to pass a flight review under the supervision of an authorized flight review pilot. Find a reviewer at your drone flight school. The reviewer will watch you fly and test you on your skills. You’ll get your results in 24 hours and can then apply for your advanced certification.

Extras Information to Know

If you’re seeking advanced certification, there are two more crucial things to know. First, the onus is on you to choose a drone that meets the safety requirements for the operation you plan to conduct. Make sure you’re familiar with the RPAS Safety Assurance system and check your drone’s rating against what you plan to do.

Second, even with an advanced certificate, you’ll still need permission from air traffic control to fly in a particular controlled airspace. You can usually do this by getting an RPAS Flight Authorization from NAV CANADA.

Learn More About Transport Canada Drone Rules

There are a lot of things to know, and the best way to keep up is through Drone Pilot Training. Visit Drone Pilot Training today to schedule training and keep up with the latest information so you’re always flying safely and legally.

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