What Is The Process Of Drone Registration In Canada?

If you’ve ever been curious to know the process of registering your drone In Canada, then you’ve come to the right place.

In order for you to know what is the process of registering your drone in Canada, you first have to know whether or not it’s required by law. The good news is that it isn’t always required and can be done voluntarily.   However, at some point, it will probably be mandatory, so you might as well just do it to save you the time and hassle in the future.


Drone Canada Registration: Are You Required To Register Your Drone?

All drones or Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) with a maximum takeoff weight of 250 grams (g) up to and including 25 kilograms (kg) must be registered. Drones under 250 g do not need to be registered. Drones over 25 kg also do not need to be registered but they require a special flight operations certificate application and approval, which is a rigorous process.


What Documents Do I Need to Process My Drone Canada Registration?

The registration of a drone will take three minutes and you will need the following:

  • Purchase date (if applicable)
  • Make, Model, Serial Number, Weight, and Type of Drone
  • Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Interac card

You will need to choose one of the following secure sign-in options in the Drone Management Portal:

  • A Government of Canada login (Verified.Me), or Your online banking login (sign-in partner) 


How To Register Your Drone?

Drone operators can register their drones through the Drone Management Portal. To register a drone for business, you’ll need to sign-up for an account. To do so, either create a personal account or accept the invitation from another business’s account holder. Next, go through the registration process and follow the instructions to submit flight plans.

Step 1: Sign Up For An Account

Drone operators can register their drones through the Drone Management Portal. To register a drone for business, you’ll need to sign-up for an account. To do so, either create a personal account or accept the invitation from another business’s account holder. Next, go through the registration process.

Step 2: Register Your Drone And Be In Compliance

Once you have an account you are ready to complete registration. This step requires uploading a photo of the identification plate from each drone, which identifies its unique serial number. Once this information is successfully submitted, you will receive an ID number.

Step3: Label Your Drone With The Transport Canada issued ID Number

The Transport Canada issued ID number will start with “C-“ and be followed by 10 numbers. You will need to label your drone with this ID number. You can engrave it, use a permanent marker or use a sticky label to nark your drone. Once you have labelled your drone your drone is officially registered!


What Are The Benefits of Registering Your Drone in Canada?

The benefits are pretty much the same as any other registration process.   You get to:

  • Control how your drone is used, such as altitude and flight paths
  • Display your contact information in case something goes wrong with the drone
  • Report a missing or stolen drone
  • Report an incident you want to be investigated

What Are The Penalties For Flying An Unregistered Drone In Canada?

If you fly a drone without registering it, you could be fined between $1,000 and $5,000 CAD.

Whether you’re an amateur or professional drone pilot in Canada, it is important to know the process of registering your aircraft. If you are looking for a company that can help with UAV pilot training, Victory UAV offers courses that are designed to make learning exciting and easy. By the end of the course, you’ll meet all of Transport Canada’s requirements for piloting your drone. Contact us today if you need assistance!

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